Be In The Know

Facts And Happenings In Our Countries And The World At Large

Friday 30 October 2015

More Hillary Clinton Email Released, Half of Collection Now Public

According to abc news; Today’s release of over 7,000 pages of Hillary Clinton email marks the halfway point for the State Department, which is attempting to meet a federal court’s mandate to release all 55,000 pages of her email collection by January 2016.

The department has now published roughly 27,000 pages of her emails on its public records website that were once stored on Clinton’s now-infamous private server.
Most of the new email is from within the 2011-2012 time frame, along with some from 2009 and 2010. 
State Department spokesman John Kirby said today's tranche contains somewhere between 200 to 300 newly classified emails, meaning those emails will be shielded from public view due to the sensitive nature of their content. He said that none of those emails were marked classified when they were sent, a point Clinton has often reiterated on the campaign trail. 

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