Be In The Know

Facts And Happenings In Our Countries And The World At Large

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Trump Hits a New High in the GOP Race; Against Clinton

Donald Trump has reached a new high in support for the Republican presidential nomination in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, drawing on GOP support for his proposed ban on Muslims along with his powerful outsider credentials. Ben Carson’s cratered, while Ted Cruz has advanced to join the double-digit club –- but with Trump now unrivaled for the lead.

That said, Trump slightly trails Hillary Clinton in a general election matchup, by 6 percentage points among registered voters, expanding to 13 points among all adults. And a broad 69 percent of Americans express anxiety at the thought of Trump as president, with half saying it makes them “very” anxious. Clinton makes far fewer anxious, albeit 51 percent.

Trump has 38 percent support for his party’s nomination from Republicans and GOP-leaning independents who are registered to vote, up a slight 6 points from last month, entirely among men. He’s added concerns about terrorism to his existing anti-immigrant, political outsider credentials -– all pressing items in his party, but less so outside of it. 

Tested against his top rivals in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, Trump has gained 8 points in trust to handle terrorism and 7 points as the strongest leader, as well as 9 points in being seen as likeliest to win in November. He holds vast in-party advantages on all three items, and on handling immigration as well.

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