Be In The Know

Facts And Happenings In Our Countries And The World At Large

Monday 18 January 2016

Is President Buhari Building Or Destroying Nigeria?

Over the last 8 months there have been talks, murmurs and even quarrels all about Nigeria's President Buhari.

The question; Is Buhari Building or Destroying Nigeria?

Definitely Nigerians have conflicting answers.

Corruption has eaten deep into our Nigeria.

Note;  It does not affect our politicians after-all they are the ones corrupt.
It also doesn't affect the rich, because they are wealthy and comfortable.

But what we must know is that Corruption affects Nigeria.

Who is Nigeria?

Nigeria is the poor, un-influential, unexposed, uneducated, unemployed, hungry, sick, handicap.

Nigeria is the internally displaced persons, the wrongfully imprisoned persons, the wrongfully shot persons, the political thugs, the petite traders.

Nigeria is You, Me and All those who do not have a say.

Its funny to hear people say Buhari is not working... If it wasn't for Him, would we have known about the looted arms deal funds?

Corruption and greed have taken over our government. And it must be severely dealt with before Nigeria can thrive.

Our so called leaders sit at the throne and make themselves rich, forgetting that you and I put them there.

Our Senators don't pass any ingenious bill that makes the life of NIGERIANS better.

Representatives don't represent us.

They forget about Us...... After 4 years, Then we become important.

If President Buhari wants to fight corruption. I say He Should do it well, and we will stand by Him.

A bill should be passed....
A Bill That States; "Anybody Who Loots The Funds Of The People Shall Be Imprisoned For Life"

They say after the rain comes the rainbow. After the darkness light.

We can endure this hardship, this rain, this darkness. But hope, the rainbow and light is guaranteed!!!

If so lets give Him the benefit of the doubt. Lets trust that the man we elected, will serve us.

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