Be In The Know

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Thursday 26 November 2015

Inhaling Smoke Can Lead To Loss Of Memory, Says Neurologist

A Neurologist with Alpha Medcare, a research centre in Iba, Lagos, said inhaling smoke in any form is dangerous to health and capable of causing loss of memory.

Dr Patrick Okoh, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) yesterday said that inhaled smoke could be from a car’s exhaust, cigarettes, cannabis and other substances.

According to the neurologist, an introduction of smoke into the brain creates unwanted particles known as radicals that take the cells prisoner.
He said loss of memory was a social disorder.

The neurologist said conscious or unconscious inhalation of substances into the human system should be avoided.
“Many of our young ones are in the habit of inhaling substances, believing that it will make them feel high and alert.
“But on the contrary, it is a dangerous practice capable of leading to withdrawal in the persons involved,’’ Okoh said.

He warned those in the habit of inhaling smoke to desist as the consequences were harmful and could be anti-social.

He said a driver who indulged in smoking of cigarettes or other substances could easily forget himself and withdraw into abstract fantasy while driving.
Okoh added that this sort of distraction while driving had resulted in numerous road mishaps.

If inhaling smoke can cause this much damage, how much more damage can actual smoking cause?
Smokes die young.. A word they say is good enough for the wise...

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