Be In The Know

Facts And Happenings In Our Countries And The World At Large

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

These Sites Are So Secret They're BLURRED On Google Earth

THROUGH the wonders of modern technology, Google Earth can bring you aerial shots of almost anywhere.

But there are some places that are so secret they have to be hidden by blurring or blacking them out.

Some are military bases and royal palaces but others are much more surprising - with conspiracy theorists claiming they are secret cities and UFO testing sights.

Secret City in Siberian Tundra, Russia 

This blacked out area in Siberia could hide a chilling secret.

In 1986, Russian authorities sealed off dozens of cities and towns, many of them with populations of more than a million.

Mysterious numbers were attached to their names Krasnoyarsk-26, Tomsk-7 and Arzamas-16 — the latter believed to have been home to a colony of nuclear engineers tasked with challenging US nuclear superiority.

Some believe this area could be one of those cities while others think it may be a radar station or missile site.

Eagle-eyed internet users have pointed out the blur seems to have been cut and pasted from another part of the country.

Pacific Northwest, USA 

Could this pixelated area house weather-changing weapon?

The site, on the Washington-Oregon border is home to the controversial operation known as HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program).

Conspiracy theorists believe HAARP is a secret cloud-bursting weapon and have blamed it for triggering floods, droughts, major power outages and even earthquakes in Iran.

Valencia City, The Philippines 

A huge part of the Philippines city of Valencia, which has a population of 180,000, has been pixelated.

It is believed to be the headquarters of the government’s missile defence program and is pixelated for national security reasons.

Szazhalombatta Oil Refinery, Hungary 

This Hungarian oil facility was coloured green by Google at the request of the owners, and its buildings and grounds were deleted.

The question is, why?

Rumour has it that the only thing the green block hides is a large area of green grass. So what could they be tryind to hide?

There are more sites like this all over the world...


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