Be In The Know

Facts And Happenings In Our Countries And The World At Large

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Donald Trump; Possibly USA's Next President

Donald Trump holds double-digit leads over Ben Carson in both South Carolina and Nevada, the third and fourth states scheduled to hold nominating contests in next year's race for the presidency, with Trump widely seen in each state as the best candidate to handle a range of top issues, according to new CNN/ORC polls.
Trump holds 38% support in Nevada, with Carson in second with 22%, and in South Carolina, Trump
doubles Carson's support, 36% to 18%. No other candidate comes close to those top two in either state; the third-place candidate in each case has less than 10% support.
Trump's backing in both states outpaces his support in most recent national polling, where he tends to draw around a quarter of Republican voters.


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