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Friday 6 November 2015

France To Impose Border Controls Ahead UN Climate Conference

France will impose border controls for one month from 30 November for the UN Conference on Climate Change in Paris.
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said it was a precaution "because of the terrorist threat or risk of public disorder".

"It is by no means a suspension of Schengen," he stressed, referring to the EU free travel zone where passport checks are minimal or non-existent.
Schengen rules allow countries to restore border controls temporarily.
France reinstated border controls in 2011 for a G20 summit in Cannes, attended by many world leaders.
Anti-globalisation protests are a feature of the G20 summits and similar gatherings of leading industrialised nations.
France is especially conscious of the terrorist threat after January's jihadist attacks in Paris. Seventeen people died when gunmen targeted Charlie Hebdo magazine staff, police officers and a Jewish supermarket.
In December 2009 Denmark - a member of Schengen - imposed temporary border checks when it hosted the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

culled bbc news

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