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Thursday 26 November 2015

Youth Corpers Can Participate In The NYSC ICT $25k Innovation Grant... Read More

By NITDA Act 2007, our primary role is to oversee the overall development of the ICT industry in Nigeria as well as promote the use and adoption of ICT in all sectors of the economy to create jobs, wealth and sustainable development.

NITDA NYSC ICT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program is part of the NITDA Multi-year ICT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programs that is targeted at NYSC corp members, amongst other youth groups.
The NYSC ICT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program is to stimulate, engage, develop and support Nigerian corp members that have unique innovative ICT solution or products or ICT-driven business ideas (addressing specific socio-economic challenges) that can be turned into viable ICT businesses within one to two years.
Through an online form, we will receive pitches from interested corp members. The submitted ideas or ICT solutions will be adjudicated by an evaluation committee comprising of NITDA OIIE, NYSC, ICT incubation managers (iDEA Hub, Co-Creation Hub, SASWare), investors and industry associations (ISPON and NCS).
Successful corper startups will be engaged after their service year for incubation or acceleration. NITDA OIIE will bankroll the business incubation cost, securing their placements in some of the successful ICT incubators and accelerators in the country.

Visit this SITE for further inquiries and registration 
Registration Ends March 31, 2015

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